Creating An Adwords Campaign- Session 1

Few terminologies before moving to create Adwords campaign
Google Adwords:
Google AdWords is used to create clickable Ads to appear in Google’s search engine results page.
Ad Text: 
Text Ads are ads which consists a headline, around 2lines of text. This ads allow advertisers to create ads which can bring good traffic
Landing Page:
Landing page is a web page which is built to drive traffic to generate lead or for specific marketing campaign goal. It allows marketer to capture visitors information through a lead form and then convert the lead into opportunity.
A campaign is a set of ad groups sharing a schedule, budget and targeting by location and other settings. A campaign is often used to help a marketing goal.
A word or phrase that relates to the products or services you wish to advertise when prospective customers are looking for information related to what you sell and they type your targets into a search box, your ads may be displayed.
Display Network:
The Display Network includes a collection of Google Websites partner sites and mobile sites and apps that shows AdWords Ads matched to the content on a given page. The Display Network can help advertisers do the following:
  • Use appealing Ad formats to reach a wide range of customers with broad interests.
  • Build brand awareness and customer loyalty
  • Increase engagement with customers
  • Choose more specifically where their Ads can appear, and to what type of Audience.
Ad Formats : Display Network
  • Text Ads
  • Text Ads are ads which consists a headline, around 2lines of text. This ads allow advertisers to create ads which can bring good traffic
  • Image Ads
  • This type of ad can be found on the website where image will be filled on the entire ad block. Image in the ad can be altered according to Image, Background colors
  • Rich Media Ads
  • This type of ads includes animations, interactive elements which will change depending on the customer behavior who is looking at the ad.
  • Video Ads
  • Video ads are most popular since YouTube has emerged. YouTube is included on the Display Network. You can use Google Adwords Display Advertising to create ads using YouTube by create YouTube videos
    Quality Score:
Quality score is used to determine the cost advertiser pays and what his rank will be. It is suggested to maintain Quality score to be ranked high and also higher the Quality score, lower the advertiser pay for each click.
Ad Rank:
AdRank is determined on the relevance of Search Query, Keywords, Quality, Content, Prior CTR Performance.
Does this mean that a higher bid can always lead to a higher Ad position?
  • No, It depends on Quality and Relevance.
What are the various bidding strategies that exist in SEM?
  • Cost-Per-Click(CPC):
If you want to focus on clicks on your ads and drive traffic to your website, you will want to use CPC bidding
  • Cost-Per-Thousand Impressions(CPM):
If you want to focus on impressions, the number of times your ad shows and increase awareness of your brand, you will want to use CPM bidding. CPM bidding is available for Display Network campaigns only.
  • Cost-Per-Acquisition(CPA):
If you want to focus on conversions which is when people take a specific action on your website after clicking one of your ads you will want to use CPA bidding.
Which bidding strategies are recommended in what situations?
  • Cost-Per-Click(CPC)
This strategy is used to drive clicks/traffic to advertisers ads
  • Cost-Per-Thousand Impressions(CPM):
If advertiser is more focused on Impressions ie if number of times your ad is clicked and then focus to increase awareness then advertiser use CPM
  • Cost-Per-Acquisition(CPA):
If advertiser focused on conversions then advertiser can use CPA bidding.
Your daily budget is the amount you’re willing to spend each day, on average for each Ad campaign in your account.
The amount you bid can be edited whenever you like. When you set your bids, you set the maximum amount you’re willing to pay for either 1 click on your Ad, 1000Ad impressions or 1 conversion
Actual costs might vary from auction to auction. But still your daily budget can put a limit.
AdWords Structure


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